We get that sometimes things just don’t work out, however much we want them to. That’s why we offer a 90-day money-back guarantee on all of our products, even after you’ve tried them. With 90 days to really get to grips with the world of IPL, and your SmoothSkin device, what have you got to lose?
(Pssssst, buying a special someone a special present this Christmas? We love your work, and so we’ll extend your money-back guarantee from 90-days following 25th December to give the lucky recipient time to put their new SmoothSkin to the test. Just keep hold of that receipt!)
No hard feelings.
Some people see results from a little as 4 weeks, while others can take slightly longer. Remember, everyone is different and all sorts of factors can make an impact, including genetics and even your lifestyle. In our quest to take the hassle out of hair removal, we want to give you as much time as possible to get to grips with SmoothSkin, and we’ll be with you every step of the way with friendly support and extra tips online and over the phone.
Need some space?
If things don’t work out within 90 days of receiving your SmoothSkin product, contact us and we’ll take care of the rest. To qualify, just buy any SmoothSkin device from an authorised retailer, including Amazon, Boots and John Lewis and keep hold of your receipt or order confirmation. Check our product pages for list of authorised sellers.
Terms apply. UK only. Proof of purchase required. Click here for terms.